product comparison
Since 28 April 2020, the new rules for road traffic have been in force in Germany. Many fines have been significantly increased. What has changed? Where have the rules been tightened? We have summarized the most important facts for you here.
The new catalogue of fines for 2020 has been adapted, above all in the following three areas:
The catalogue of fines has been adapted, particularly in the area of minor speeding offences. If you are 16 to 20 km/h faster than allowed in the city, you will now be fined 70€ instead of 35€. Outside of the city, the same speeding is now 60€ instead of 30€. Besides the fine increases, the special feature of speeding between 21 and 25 km/h in towns is that from now on driving is banned for one month. Previously, the driving ban occurred only from 26km/h too fast and also only if this excess occurred the second time in a year.
The increases in fines for urban and extra-urban traffic compared to the previous list of fines:
Speeding | Inner-city old | Inner-city since 28.04.2020 | Out of town old | Out of town since 28.04.2020 |
… until 10 km/h | 15 € | 30 € | 10 € | 20 € |
… 11 – 15 km/h | 25 € | 50 € | 20 € | 40 € |
… 16 – 20 km/h | 35 € | 70 € | 30 € | 60 € |
… 21 – 25 km/h | 80 € 1 Point | 80 € 1 Point 1 month driving ban | 70 € 1 Point | 70 € 1 Point |
… 26 – 30 km/h | 100 € 1 Point 1 month driving ban* | 100 € 1 Point 1 month driving ban | 80 € 1 Point 1 month driving ban* | 80 € 1 Point 1 month driving ban |
… 31 – 40 km/h | 160 € 2 Points 1 month driving ban | 160 € 2 Points 1 month driving ban | 120 € 2 Points 1 month driving ban* | 120 € 2 Points 1 month driving ban |
… 41 – 50 km/h | 200 € 2 Points 1 month driving ban | 200 € 2 Points 1 month driving ban | 160 € 2 Points 1 month driving ban | 160 € 2 Points 1 month driving ban |
… 51 – 60 km/h | 280 € 2 Points 2 months driving ban | 280 € 2 Points 2 months driving ban | 240 € 2 Points 1 month driving ban | 240 € 2 Points 1 month driving ban |
… 61 – 70 km/h | 480 € 2 Points 3 months driving ban | 480 € 2 Points 3 months driving ban | 440 € 2 Points 2 months driving ban | 440 € 2 Points 2 months driving ban |
über 70 km/h | 680 € 2 Points 3 months driving ban | 680 € 2 Points 3 months driving ban | 600 € 2 Points 3 months driving ban | 600 € 2 Points 3 months driving ban |
The catalogue of fines for 2020 has also changed with regard to the rescue route. From now on, not creating a rescue lane will be punished with 200€ and a one month driving ban. If the rescue lane is used without permission, 240€ and up to two points will be due. If you drive through a rescue lane without permission in a traffic jam and thus cause a danger or obstruction, this can be punished with up to 320€, two points in Flensburg and one month driving ban.
Parking in second row or on the cycle path will result in a 55€ fine. In case of obstruction or endangerment, up to 100€ and one point will be charged. In addition, parking at intersections and junctions with a cycle path must be kept at a distance of eight metres. On roads without a cycle path, the distance is five metres. Unauthorised parking in a disabled parking space or a special E-car parking space will result in a fine of 55€.
More consideration should be given to cyclists. Therefore there are also increases in fines in this area. So they may only be overtaken at a distance of 1.50 metres in towns and only at a distance of two metres outside towns. In addition, they may drive next to each other in future.
Furthermore, with the new 2020 catalogue of fines, drivers are not allowed to use speed camera apps while driving. This will be punished with a fine of 75€ and one point. Causing unnecessary noise and exhaust fumes or driving back and forth unnecessarily costs up to 100€ fine. Trucks and larger vans over 3.5 tons are only allowed to drive at walking speed when turning right. Otherwise a fine of 70€ and one point in Flensburg is due.
Even if it becomes significantly more expensive now for minor offences, the new regulations from the 2020 catalogue of fines could contribute to greater road safety in the future. In addition, Germany still lags far behind in terms of fines compared with other EU countries. Make the best of it and drive carefully. We wish you a good and safe journey at all times!